audio icon Fulfilment of God's Purposes

In this on-going series of messages, we will examine what the Scriptures reveals about the goal of God's purposes and how He seeks to bring it about. We will consider the major issues and areas of life and how they are related to God's purposes so that we can have an integrated approach to life. The key word ‘mystery’ in Paul's epistles sheds much light on what is in God’s heart concerning His purposes. We will see that God’s earnest desire is for man to attain to a high degree of moral and spiritual stature. This is critical for man’s well-being, and is the basis for deep fellowship between God and men and among men. Together, as members of His body, we are to do our part in fulfilling God's purposes through the proper outworking of church life in the context of a fallen world and spiritual opposition. All this is possible only through Christ and what was accomplished at the Cross and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Central to the fulfilment of God's purposes is Christ and God's intentions for us in Christ.

Introductory messages: The mystery and panoramic view

P001 The fulfilment of God's purposes - scope and significance 20Oct02 | LISTEN 1hr08min | MP3 15.5MB | PDF 118KB | EPUB 33.4KB The scope and significance of the issues we will be considering in this series of messages and how the Christian should approach the basic issues of life - the big picture and an integrated, total approach to life.

The mystery and the fulfilment of God's purposes

P002 The mystery and the fulfilment of God's purposes 10Nov02 | LISTEN 1hr19min | MP3 17.9MB | PDF 123KB | EPUB 35.4KB The key word ‘mystery’ enables us to know the major issues pertaining to the fulfilment of God's purposes and see the big picture. The word mystery is like a golden thread that can help us weave together the major strands of this all important subject into a coherent and beautiful tapestry/picture. Key passages: Eph 3:1-13, 1:8-12; Rom 16:25,26.
P003 Christ in you, the hope of glory (Col 1:24-2:3); Mystery of godliness (1Tim 3:16) 1Dec02 | LISTEN 1hr20min | MP3 18.3MB | PDF 106KB | EPUB 29.9KB
P004 The mystery and the relationship between Christ and the church 22Dec02 | LISTEN 1hr21min | MP3 18.4MB | PDF 112KB | EPUB 44.5KB Spiritual warfare and spiritual opposition
P005 We will be changed; the mystery, the kingdom of God and our great privilege 12Jan03 | LISTEN 1hr20min | MP3 18.2MB | PDF 117KB | EPUB 38.9KB
P006 A consolidated picture 3Feb03 | LISTEN 1hr28min | MP3 20.0MB | PDF 213KB | EPUB 50.7KB
P007 Panoramic view or outline of the fulfilment of God's purposes 23Feb03 | LISTEN 1hr26min | MP3 19.7MB | PDF 398KB | EPUB 44KB The goal of God's purposes and how He seeks to bring it about.

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