Appearance & Reality

audio icon The Lord Jesus Christ

This major section of 55 messages covers the person, life and work of the Lord Jesus. It includes reflections on the circumstances surrounding His conception, birth and childhood, and on His conduct in different situations, which at times is puzzling and seems inappropriate. In a major sub-section consisting of 23 messages, we will dwell on the subject of the kingdom of God and the fallen world. We will consider their contrasting characteristics, the importance of the kingdom of God to the Lord, and the meaning of our time on earth. We will also consider the pervasive influence of the spirit of the world in various areas of life and how this colours the world’s concept of success, power, riches and greatness. We will view this in the light of the biblical teaching on true success, strength, riches and greatness. Rounding up this section on the Lord Jesus are messages on sorrow and pain, peace and joy, true dignity and partiality.

Introductory observations and overview

AR118 Introductory observations and overview (1) 10Jan93 | LISTEN 1hr30min | MP3 20.5MB
AR119 Introductory observations and overview (2) 31Jan93 | LISTEN 1hr33min | MP3 21.1MB
AR120 Identification with the Lord Jesus Christ in His death and resurrection (1) 21Feb93 | LISTEN 1hr32min | MP3 21.0MB
AR121 Identification with the Lord Jesus Christ in His death and resurrection (2) 14Mar93 | LISTEN 1hr32min | MP3 21.1MB
AR122 Circumstances surrounding His conception, birth and childhood and family background (1) 4Apr93 | LISTEN 1hr29min | MP3 20.3MB
AR123 Circumstances surrounding His conception, birth and childhood and family background (2) 25Apr93 | LISTEN 1hr33min | MP3 21.2MB
AR124 His ministry - different responses (1): Luke 4: 14 - 29 16May93 | LISTEN 1hr21min | MP3 18.3MB
AR125 His ministry - different responses (2) 6Jun93 | LISTEN 1hr34min | MP3 21.3MB
AR126 Reflections on what we can learn from the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ 27Jun93 | LISTEN 1hr18min | MP3 17.7MB His approach, conduct and what He communicated: Being true to God and a life and ministry of truth.
AR127 His ministry - His approach, conduct and manner of relating with different people 18Jul93 | LISTEN 1hr33min | MP3 21.1MB Zaccheus; a woman, a sinner; the scribes and Pharisees.

His conduct, words and ways

His conduct, words and ways which may appear puzzling, inappropriate or even improper.

AR128 "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing" 8Aug93 | LISTEN 1hr27min | MP3 19.8MB
AR129 Understanding the conduct and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ in relation to family relationships (1) 29Aug93 | LISTEN 1hr25min | MP3 19.3MB
AR130 Understanding the conduct and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ in relation to family relationships (2) Matt.12:46-50 19Sep93 | LISTEN 1hr20min | MP3 18.2MB
AR131 His encounter with the Canaanite woman: Matt.15:21-28 10Oct93 | LISTEN 1hr34min | MP3 21.4MB The Lord's compassion and divine strategy.

The Kingdom of God and the fallen world

The messages AR132 to AR139 in this section have also been edited and released as the book 'The Two Kingdoms'.

Truly Rich

The messages AR147 to AR151 in this section have also been edited and released as the book 'Truly Rich and Great'.

AR147 Rich and poor 11Sep94 | LISTEN 1hr32min | MP3 20.8MB | PDF 57KB Luke 12:13-23: The rich, poor fool. Compare and contrast the poor, rich widow.
AR148 The rich man and Lazarus and the shrewd steward 2Oct94 | LISTEN 1hr33min | MP3 21.3MB | PDF 116KB Luke 16:19-21: The rich man and Lazarus; Psalm 73; Luke 16:1-13: The shrewd steward.
AR149 Relationship between material riches, true riches, spiritual health and eternal well-being (1) 23Oct94 | LISTEN 1hr33min | MP3 21.1MB | PDF 125KB Implications for personal, practical outworking.
AR150 Relationship between material riches, true riches, spiritual health and eternal well-being (2) 13Nov94 | LISTEN 1hr28min | MP3 20.0MB | PDF 128KB Implications for personal, practical outworking and wise stewardship.
AR151 Appear spiritually rich but in reality spiritually poor 4Dec94 | LISTEN 1hr34min | MP3 21.4MB | PDF 109KB Rev. 3:14-20: The church in Laodicea.

Truly Great

The messages AR152 to AR154 in this section have also been edited and released as the book 'Truly Rich and Great'.

AR152 The world's idea of greatness versus true greatness 25Dec94 | LISTEN 1hr31min | MP3 20.7MB | PDF 166KB The world's idea of greatness: Solomon and Nebuchadnezzar
Truly great: The Lord Jesus Christ.
AR153 Attaining true greatness and its relationship with servanthood 15Jan95 | LISTEN 1hr32min | MP3 20.8MB | PDF 203KB
AR154 True greatness and the heart of a servant: example of the Lord Jesus Christ 5Feb95 | LISTEN 1hr34min | MP3 21.3MB | PDF 185KB

Sorrow and pain, peace and joy

AR155 Sorrow and pain, peace and joy 26Feb95 | LISTEN 1hr31min | MP3 20.7MB
AR156 Why sorrow and pain is an integral part of living in this world 19Mar95 | LISTEN 1hr34min | MP3 21.3MB
AR157 How do we attain, maintain and deepen the reality of abiding peace and joy? 9Apr95 | LISTEN 1hr33min | MP3 21.1MB
AR158 Abiding peace, joy and well-being in all circumstances; example of Joseph 30Apr95 | LISTEN 1hr47min | MP3 24.4MB
AR159 Concluding message… tears 21May95 | LISTEN 1hr45min | MP3 23.8MB


AR160 True dignity, the basic dignity of man and the true dignity of the Son of God and the Son of Man 11Jun95 | LISTEN 1hr26min | MP3 19.5MB
AR161 True dignity of the Son of God and the Son of Man and we as God's children 2Jul95 | LISTEN 1hr33min | MP3 21.1MB
AR162 Give due regard to the dignity of others and conduct ourselves with true dignity 23Jul95 | LISTEN 1hr32min | MP3 21.0MB Example of failure to give due regard to the dignity of others: slander and defamation.
AR163 Reputation and its relationship with true dignity 13Aug95 | LISTEN 1hr31min | MP3 20.8MB
AR164 Beauty of true dignity can be sustained, manifested and can continue to grow in different situations (1) 3Sep95 | LISTEN 1hr33min | MP3 21.3MB Example of Daniel's three friends, Stephen, and Paul.
AR165 Beauty of true dignity can be sustained, manifested and can continue to grow in different situations (2) 24Sep95 | LISTEN 1hr34min | MP3 21.3MB Example of Paul, the Lord Jesus; a gentle quiet spirit; concluding remarks on true dignity.


AR166 Partiality 15Oct95 | LISTEN 1hr32min | MP3 20.9MB
AR167 Meaning of partiality based on Scriptural passages 5Nov95 | LISTEN 1hr26min | MP3 19.6MB Some considerations and observations in practical outworking.
AR168 The Lord Jesus choosing the twelve, the three and God choosing the nation of Israel 26Nov95 | LISTEN 1hr34min | MP3 21.3MB God is not partial: there is proper basis for His decisions and ways, consistent with His character, moral perfection, knowledge and wisdom.
AR169 Examples of partiality: Jacob: Joseph; David: Absalom, Amnon 17Dec95 | LISTEN 1hr39min | MP3 22.6MB
AR170 Some examples of how the Lord Jesus treated different ones 7Jan96 | LISTEN 1hr33min | MP3 21.1MB
AR171 God is not partial and He treats different ones differently 28Jan96 | LISTEN 1hr33min | MP3 21.2MB Implications for personal application: the way the Lord treats us, deals with us, teaches us and the experiences He wants us to go through, for each one of us, is exactly suited for us – tailor fit.
AR172 Partiality: Concluding observations 18Feb96 | LISTEN 1hr31min | MP3 20.7MB

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