Two Temptation Scenes > Temptations of the evil one >
Major areas that can go wrong
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Preached: 28 Aug 83 ▪ Edited: 8 Jul 08
Satan drawing Eve away from God | Satan’s attempt to draw Christ away from God the Father | Seriousness of being drawn away from God | Hindering non-Christians from being reconciled to God | Drawing Christians away from God | Concluding remarks
Since the creation of man, the evil one has been seeking by all ways and means to draw man away from God and to create a barrier between man and God. We see illustrations of this in the temptation of Eve in Genesis 3 and in the temptation of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 4.
Satan employed various strategies to draw Eve away from God. One strategy he used was to cast doubt and confusion over what God had said. He said to Eve, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?" (Gen. 3:1). Satan then proceeded to contradict what God had said and further cast doubts on the goodness of God. He said to Eve: "You surely will not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil" (Gen. 3:4-5). Through this, he manipulated Eve into believing that God was depriving her of something good and that it would be better for her that she disobeyed God.
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, a barrier was immediately set up between them and God. So when they heard the sound of God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, they tried to hide from God’s presence, most likely because of a sense of guilt (Gen. 3:8). They were no longer able to enjoy the same kind of fellowship with God they once could.
Satan also drew Eve away from God by stirring up discontentment within her heart. He caused Eve to be discontented with God and what He had provided. As Eve became discontented with God, she moved farther and farther away from Him.
Satan also attacked Eve through pride. Satan stirred within Eve’s heart the desire to be like God, to be able to have superior knowledge outside of the will of God. Eve entertained that thought and fell into Satan’s trap.
Deception was another strategy Satan employed. The Scriptures tells us that Eve was deceived by Satan (2 Cor. 11:3) and the fellowship Eve once enjoyed with God was destroyed.
In the temptations of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 4), Satan tried to disrupt the fellowship between our Lord Jesus and God the Father, but he was unsuccessful because of the deep oneness and union between God the Father and God the Son.
In the first temptation, the evil one instigated the Lord Jesus to turn the stones into bread. The Lord Jesus answered: “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’” The evil one was trying to make the Lord Jesus do something outside of the will of God, for it was not God’s will for Him, at that point in time, to command the stones to become bread.
The Lord Jesus rejected this temptation. He did not allow the evil one to drive a wedge between Him and God the Father. He set His heart to live according to every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God the Father. The reply of our Lord Jesus teaches us that material things are not the most important things in life. Far more important is for us to live by all the truths that God has revealed.
In the second temptation, Satan tempted the Lord Jesus to throw Himself down from the pinnacle. The Lord Jesus answered: “On the other hand, it is written, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test’” (Matt. 4:7). Again, Satan tried to instigate the Lord Jesus to act in a way that was not in accordance with the will of God the Father. To do so would be tantamount to putting God to the test; it would not be something done in fellowship with Him. The Lord Jesus saw through his scheme and refused to act as suggested.
In the third temptation, Satan offered the Lord Jesus the world and all its glory, if He would fall down and worship him. Satan was trying to usurp the throne from God. He wanted to be worshipped and served. This was clearly against God’s will. If the Lord Jesus had done as told, He would be drawn away from devotion to God the Father. The Lord Jesus therefore answered: “Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only’” (Matt. 4:10). The Lord Jesus was very clear that man shall worship and serve only God and no one else.
Many people do not realise how serious and widespread this problem is, for all too often, the evil one works in subtle ways. Some think that it is all right to live their own lives independent of God. They seem quite happy about it, but they fail to realise that they have become victims of the evil one, who is seeking to draw them farther and farther away from God.
When man is drawn away from God, he will not be able to enjoy fellowship with God. He becomes self-centred and fleshly. He relies on himself and does not look to God for strength and help. Unknowingly, he puts himself in a vulnerable position. The inevitable result is bondage to sin, to the evil one and the powers of darkness. The evil one then holds sway over his life. He is powerless to resist the evil one or overcome his temptations.
Why is it that when the evil one succeeds in drawing us away from God and disrupting our fellowship with God, our lives will become wretched? The basic reason has to do with the way God has created us. We are incapable of living healthily and properly apart from God. This has become even more pronounced after the Fall. To live wholesome lives, we have to live in fellowship with God, under His guidance and with His enabling.
In Romans 7:24, the apostle Paul lamented, “Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?” This is a cry of despair from the heart of a man who senses that he is powerless to do what is good and keeps on doing what is evil - without God’s enabling.
The answer to such a wretched life lies in God and in what He has accomplished through the Lord Jesus Christ. “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 7:25).
The Scriptures tells us that “God is Light” (1 John 1:5) and the Lord Jesus says: “I am the Light of the world” (John 8:12). If we want to walk in the light, we have to walk with God who is the only source of true light. When we move away from God, we will be walking in darkness and will stumble.
When we talk of light and darkness, we are not referring to physical light and darkness, but to our whole direction of life, whether or not we are living morally and spiritually healthy lives.
The Scriptures tells us that God is the fountain of life and source of truth. The Lord Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). When we are drawn away from God, we are separated from the truth, and we move in the direction of falsehood and deception.
If we are not in fellowship with God, we do not have light and truth from God. In such a context the powers of darkness can easily deceive us and we will be living in falsehood. Truth and light are especially important when we contemplate the major issues of life that have to do with the ultimate and eternal well-being of man.
A person may still be able to excel in many things, like doing mathematics or playing the piano. However, when it comes to areas important for his eternal and spiritual well-being, he will not be able to excel apart from God.
God is the source and the fountain of life (Ps. 36:9). The Lord Jesus has come that we may have abundant life (John 10:10). It does not mean that once we are converted, born of the Spirit and have received life from God, all is settled. Our relationship and fellowship with God has to be sustained. We need to be continually refreshed and strengthened by the life of God. Just as the branches must abide in the vine, otherwise they will wither, so we too must abide in Christ and He in us (John 15). When we move away from God, we are moving away from life.
Sometimes, we hear phrases like “ministering life”. When we have fellowship with someone who is spiritually healthy, we say that the person ministers life to us. What does this mean? It means that the life that comes from God flows through someone who is in fellowship with God. As we spend time with the Lord in prayer, and as we read the Scriptures, God’s life is also imparted to us. It is not that the words in the Scriptures in themselves can minister life to us. Rather, we are being ministered to by God Himself. Life has to come from God - He is the ultimate source of life. If we move away from the source of life, we move in the direction of death.
To have a healthy relationship with God is man’s greatest privilege and joy and the way to a truly fulfilling life. Fellowship with God is at the very heart of man’s well-being. It is essential for healthy living. Fellowship with God and abiding in Christ should be as spontaneous to us as breathing. It should be a continuing spiritual experience and reality.
The Christian faith does not merely comprise ethics or external conduct and activities. At the heart of the Christian faith is worship of God and fellowship with Him; it is trusting in God and in the outworking of His purposes in our lives. In seeking to draw man away from God, Satan is therefore striking at the core of the Christian faith.
The Lord Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). God alone is the ultimate source of all true blessings. To live fruitful lives, to have good works flowing forth from our lives, we need divine enabling. To be victorious over sin and the evil one, we also need divine strength and enabling. Without the Lord, we will be overwhelmed by the forces of darkness.
Man’s basic problem is sin. Sin has resulted in our being separated from God and living a life of darkness. The gospel brings to us the good news that God in His love has provided the solution. He sent His only begotten Son to die on the Cross on our behalf so that we may be forgiven and reconciled to Him. Once we have been reconciled to God, we can then enter into and receive all the blessings that God intends for us. This includes His purposes and calling for our lives.
As we deepen in our fellowship with God, we will be more and more effective in building His kingdom, in overcoming the forces of darkness and all their evil designs. As the kingdom of Light grows at the expense of the kingdom of darkness, we can expect strong and persistent spiritual attacks by the forces of darkness to draw us away from God.
Both Christians and non-Christians encounter spiritual attacks. This goes on all the time, in both obvious and subtle ways. Those under attack may not even be aware of it, and they may react in disbelief when told about it. I wish to now consider with you some areas in which the evil one attacks non-Christians and Christians to draw them away from God.
For non-Christians, one of the chief aims of the evil one is to hinder them from knowing God and being reconciled to Him. This may take place in a number of ways.
To keep non-believers from coming to God, Satan will continually feed and promote in them a spirit of self-sufficiency, self-righteousness, pride and arrogance so that men do not recognise their need of God. The evil one seeks to instil in them an “I am all right, I don’t need God” attitude. This spirit and attitude is very prevalent and can be manifested in different ways. For example, a man may complain: “I spent a very boring evening with this Mr. Proud. Throughout the night, he was doing nothing but boasting about his achievements so much so that I had no opportunity at all to talk about mine. My whole evening was wasted.” If we listen carefully to how people talk, very often we can detect that there is much boasting about their achievements and deeds.
The evil one will seek to encourage people to believe that God does not exist or promote disbelief in the God of the Scriptures.
In some countries, atheism is promoted and belief in God and the practice of religion is discouraged. Many people take pride in calling themselves “the modern man”. To them, only the foolish, ignorant, uneducated and backward will believe in God.
In some countries that take pride in scientific achievements, there is a common thinking that to believe in God is unscientific and not fitting for an educated mind. This is especially prevalent among intellectuals in universities. Some Christians in such an environment feel threatened. Their faith takes a beating and they wonder if they have been right in believing in God.
Unless we have a personal knowledge of God, our belief can be easily shaken. Our relationship with God cannot be based merely on what we hear from others. We need to continually nurture a personal faith in God. Over time, our faith will become more stable and firm. We will then be able to say like Paul, “I know whom I have believed” (2 Tim. 1:12). We will then not be easily shaken by the words and conduct of others.
The Scriptures tells us about the forces of darkness at work in this area. “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Cor. 4:3-4).
The apostle Paul uses the description “the gospel is veiled” to tell us that the people cannot understand the gospel message and as a result the gospel cannot have a positive impact upon their lives. Why is this so?
Paul explains in verse 4 that the evil one, “the god of this world”, has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they are unable to see the truth and accept the salvation offered by God in the Lord Jesus Christ. Sadly, those who are spiritually blind often are not even conscious of their state and will vehemently deny it if told.
However, all is not lost. Those who are blinded are not in such a helpless state that there is nothing they can do about it. Although the forces of darkness may try to blind man, God is at work to help man respond to Him.
People are often blinded because of their own attitudes. Their hearts are not right; they are proud and arrogant. They are not open to the truth and they seek for the wrong things. Although the Spirit of God is at work and is trying to speak to them in many different ways, they are not open to hear spiritual truths. They continue to maintain that sense of self-sufficiency and self-righteousness.
The forces of darkness may try to manipulate non-believers, take advantage of situations they are in and seek to deceive them. But whether or not he can succeed very much depends on the non-believers themselves. If they are open, willing to be humbled and corrected, God can remove the blindness and the misconceptions they may have and show them the truth.
False religions and superstitions are prevalent throughout the world and have kept men in severe spiritual bondage. Many are deceived into thinking that they are worshipping the true God when in fact they are worshipping the forces of darkness.
In some contexts, faith in a particular religion is promoted while faith in other religions, including the Christian faith, is hindered. The sharing of the gospel is forbidden and the penalty for doing so can be very severe. Those who become Christians may face the death penalty.
Through deception and fear (such as fear of misfortunes and of the forces of nature), and through the appeal to their fleshly lust, greed and pride, many are drawn by the evil one into superstitious practices.
The powers of darkness are actively at work through the pleasures of this world to draw man into fleshly indulgence and bondage of sin.
The pleasures of the world can be addictive (for example, gambling and consuming alcohol). Initially, when people indulge in worldly pleasures, they may find such things pleasurable and thrilling. But before they realise it, the activities have become a compulsion. Even if they want to stop, they will find great difficulty doing so.
One day, I was listening to a BBC radio programme. It was about the problem of compulsive gambling in England. According to the programme, this problem was not confined only to the older people; even young men had become compulsive gamblers. Some of them tried to stop gambling, but they simply could not do so. They went to great lengths, even by improper means, to get hold of money to satisfy their gambling addiction.
Other pleasures of the world like sexual activities, drug-taking and materialism can also be addictive. The phrase “wine, women and song” describes this kind of approach to life. The forces of darkness will continually offer the pleasures of this world to bring many under bondage. Once a man is in bondage to these things, his openness to spiritual truth is blocked and it is very difficult for him to come to God.
There are also many things that are neutral that can hinder a person from seeking God. For example, a person can expend so much time and energy and be so absorbed in projects and hobbies that he has no thirst for the things of God's kingdom.
The forces of darkness will try to keep men weighed down and taxed by the problems and cares of this world. They will try to keep them occupied in pursuing wealth, in advancing their career, and in gaining a higher status in society. Many are weighed down not only by their personal problems but also by those of their loved ones. The outcome is that they have little or no time or energy to seek God, to think, consider and reflect on things that are really important such as their spiritual and ultimate well-being.
Although as Christians, we have been reconciled to God and are called into fellowship with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the evil one will still persistently seek to disrupt our fellowship with God. He will also try to create barriers to hinder us from living useful and effective lives. He does this in various ways, and I would like to consider with you some of them.
Some Christians profess with their lips that they love God, but their hearts are far from Him. Their lives do not correspond with what they profess. This kind of belief is not a threat to the evil one. What he fears are Christians who love God and have deep fellowship with Him. He will therefore do everything he can to keep us from entering into deep fellowship with God. He wants to keep our faith in God superficial and half-hearted. He will try to lure our hearts away from what is good and pure because he knows that when our hearts are not right, and our conscience is not clear, we will not be able to maintain a healthy fellowship with God.
A serious problem among Christians is the tendency to focus on activities without sufficient emphasis on spiritual meaning and reality, and on spiritual growth grounded in deepening knowledge of God and relationship with Him. Many Christians mistakenly believe that when they busy themselves with Christian activities, they are serving the Lord, and their spiritual life is going on well. This will not be the case if there is little reality of God in their lives. Whatever little faith they have may have been shored up by the Christian activities they busy themselves in.
This is similar to what we see in some religions, where emphasis is placed on rituals and external observances. External observances can give religious followers a sense of spiritual attainment and well-being. These followers think that if they dutifully practise the religious rites, they will be accepted by their gods. Likewise, Christians may think that by being involved in Christian activities and Christian meetings, God will be pleased with them.
The forces of darkness will try their very best to discourage Christians and prevent spiritual growth so that they will remain carnal.
Often, the evil one will plant discouraging thoughts in our mind to hinder us from developing quality in our spiritual life, thoughts such as: “It is not worth it. It is too difficult.” He will also work through circumstances, causing problems and stirring up persecutions, to hinder the growth of believers.
When a Christian seeks to be serious in his walk with the Lord, he may find many things going wrong. He may then be puzzled why things have become worse instead of better after he has deepened his commitment to God. As a result, he may feel disturbed and discouraged, and eventually, he may give up his pursuit of God.
In areas that a Christian seeks to work at, whether it is in his prayer life or other important areas, the evil one will try to cause discouragement and hinder progress. Often, when a Christian is convicted by the Lord about an area in his life that he needs to put right or deepen in, the evil one will work to cause discouragement and thus hinder him from persevering in that area. If we do not know that the evil one is at work, and if we are not sufficiently determined, we will easily give up. As a result, we will not be able to enter into deep fellowship with God and we will not grow properly. The evil one would then have accomplished his objective.
The evil one works through the fallen world to distract and afflict believers and at the same time he offers us many worldly attractions to tempt us. Many Christians falter along the way because they fail to overcome these wiles and temptations of the evil one.
In the parable of the sower, the Lord Jesus says “If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear” (Mark 4:23). By this, He is telling us that He has something important to say and we should pay heed. If we hear without really listening, Satan will take away whatever truths that have been sown. We will then be like the ones on whom seed was sown beside the road (v. 15). Not all who have heard will bear fruit because some have no firm root and like the seed sown on the rocky places, they fall away when affliction or persecution takes place (v. 17). Others are choked by the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desire for other things (v. 19). Indeed this is an area that has taken its toll on many believers.
If we lack vigilance, the busyness of daily life and the cares of this world will distract us and prevent us from responding well to God's call to a life of consecration and deep fellowship with Him.
It is not wrong to get married, have children, a career or possessions. However, it is commonly observed that for many Christians, their love for the Lord grows cold after they get married. Similarly, it has been observed that many students are fervent for the Lord while in university, but grow cold after they graduate and enter working life. This is the one question that often confronts Christian workers involved in campus ministry.
A likely reason for Christians growing cold after they are married or enter working life is their weak foundation in the faith. Many are zealous in the early years, but when faced with distractions and the cares of this world such as career advancement and raising children, the more important things in life are crowded out.
To keep ourselves from being drawn away by what could be legitimate things, we need to build a strong foundation in our faith and be conscious that the forces of darkness are at work. Unless we persevere along the path that God requires of us, we will easily become casualties and fall by the wayside.
In Matthew 24, the Lord Jesus exhorts us to be ready for His coming. At His coming, just as in the days of Noah, people will be preoccupied with eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage. They will not be conscious of His Coming Again. The Lord cautions us to be alert and watchful in the way we live. We should guard against being distracted by worldly pleasures or weighed down by earthly responsibilities so that when He comes, we are ready and will be found faithful.
The apostle Paul speaks of the same theme in 1 Corinthians 7:29-31. He knows how easy it is for us to be distracted by the cares of this life - things such as marriage, sorrow, rejoicing and worldly possessions - and to forget that the form of this world is passing away.
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
29 But this I say, brethren, the time has been shortened, so that from now on those who have wives should be as though they had none;
30 and those who weep, as though they did not weep; and those who rejoice, as though they did not rejoice; and those who buy, as though they did not possess;
31 and those who use the world, as though they did not make full use of it; for the form of this world is passing away.
Although all true believers should eagerly await the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus, not all believers will rejoice or can enter into deep fellowship with Him when He comes again. Many will hide away in shame. It is only when we walk with the Lord and persevere in the path of truth then can we rejoice on that day. Let us abide in Him so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming (1 John 2:28).
Deception is another strategy the evil one uses to hinder and draw us away from true fellowship with God. His aim is to deceive us into entering into a relationship with the forces of darkness and being made use of by them. This important subject of deception - the factors which contribute to deception and how we can safeguard ourselves against deception - has been covered in three subsequent messages (2TS09-11).
Sin is very serious because it creates a barrier between us and God. God will not tolerate sin because He is a holy God. He tells us, “Be holy for I am holy.”
When we do not confess our sins or refuse to give them up, we provide an avenue for the forces of darkness to operate. They will seek to lure us deeper into sin. They want to hold us in bondage in those areas of sin that we have not properly dealt with, and through these, hinder us in our fellowship with God.
Self-confidence can easily enter a Christian’s life, even for a mature Christian who has walked with the Lord for many years.
Initially we depend on the Lord in doing things. However, as we successively accomplish things with the Lord’s enabling, we may grow in confidence in ourselves instead of in the Lord. An “I can do it” attitude may creep in. The sense of dependence on the Lord diminishes with time. Although the actual dependence is not present, we may still profess that we are depending upon the Lord. This is an area of danger we need to take note of.
Dependence upon God should be a reality of the heart. It should not just be mere utterance of the mouth. It is possible to say “Lord, help me”, but proceed to act in our own strength and according to our own understanding. Because we have been doing it many times, it becomes a habit to just say, “Lord, help me”, or, “Please pray for God's guidance”, when in reality we are not depending on the Lord or seeking His will in the matter.
Some forms of attack by the evil one to hinder our relationship with God may be so subtle we are not conscious they are in operation. For example, when we become anxious or fearful in a difficult situation, it is easy for us to think that it is only natural, not realising that promoting fear, worry and anxiety is one of the strategies of the evil one. When he succeeds in making us worried, anxious or fearful, our confidence in God is shaken. We lose the sense of peace and trust in God, and our fellowship with God is hindered. It is important for us to affirm our faith and confidence in God, resist the working of the evil one in promoting fear, worry and anxiety, and enter into the peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
The forces of darkness may falsely accuse us and cause us to have a sense of guilt. If we believe in the false accusations, our conscience will be troubled, and we lose the sense of peace and trust in God.
It is important that we distinguish between genuine guilt and false accusation. At times, we have reasons to feel guilty, but we rationalise it away saying, “It is all right. After all, I am only human, and these are things normal human beings will do from time to time.” The evil one will of course be very happy when he succeeds in making us think we are all right when we have done wrong and have not repented of the wrongdoing. What is serious is that we have failed to see how God looks at it. If it is something that He disapproves, do we look at it in the same way or do we still say that it is all right?
Feelings of depression also hinder us in our relationship with God. We must not simply accept and dwell on such feelings. Instead, we need to overcome them by trying to understand and deal with their causes. If we find that these are just depressive feelings without real causes, let us realise that they are likely to be from the forces of darkness or the evil one is taking advantage of the presence of the depressive feelings and magnifying them. It is important to learn to take our stand to reject the influences and working of the evil one in the situation and ask the Lord to deliver us.
The evil one may also plant in us negative thoughts to make us feel that God is far away, that He doesn’t understand or doesn’t care and is not answering our prayers. Such negative thoughts and feelings can come to us even when we are walking with the Lord and our life is in a good state.
God is omnipresent and is never far away. If we are honest and humble before Him, and if we are willing to deal with areas in our lives which are not right before Him, we know that God will be near and will help us. This is based on knowledge of the truth even though we may not feel that He is near. The important thing is not whether we feel He is near, but whether He approves of our lives and whether there is reality in our fellowship with God.
The evil one seeks to destroy our fellowship with God. He is not too concerned if our “fellowship” with God consists only of our feelings of being close to God. It is no threat to him that we feel good about our fellowship with God when actually it is superficial and of the emotional kind. He will be threatened if in reality we are in close fellowship with the Lord. So what we need to concentrate on is maintaining healthy fellowship with God. When we do that, even if we feel God to be far away, we do not need to become discouraged and think that He is indeed far away.
The evil one will seek by all ways and means to draw us away from God because once he succeeds, we will come under his bondage and will be helpless. Without God, all the capabilities that we possess, all the discipline that we exercise, and all the energy and strength that we put into our endeavours will be in vain.
The evil one wants to cut us off from our source of joy, peace, hope, light and life. He wants to sever our links with God, our refuge and strength. Once he draws us away from God, he is cutting off from us the source of all that is positive, good and life-giving.
We need to be wise and vigilant. We must learn to discern the different areas of our lives that the evil one can manipulate, understand what the forces of darkness are trying to do, and take our stand against them accordingly.
We must nurture and deepen our fellowship with the Lord, spend time with Him and learn to wait upon Him. We must not be impulsive and simply proceed to be involved in things, just because we think they are good. It is important to seek the Lord, especially on major issues, to know the direction He is leading us and to depend on Him for strength and enabling.
Let us learn to maintain good fellowship with Him at all times and learn to go through all situations in fellowship with Him. We must not allow anything to cause our fellowship with God to deteriorate. Often we hear the excuse: “It is because of my busyness that my relationship with God is not good.” The truth is, we worship the perfect, almighty and omnipresent God, who desires us to have a close fellowship with Him. As such, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, we can nurture and maintain good fellowship with Him.
We should not be satisfied with just having fellowship with God. We need to strive for increasing depth and quality in our fellowship with Him. God seeks to draw us in that direction, but the evil one seeks to draw us in the opposite direction. Let us not give the evil one any room to succeed in his evil design. Let nothing hinder us in our walk with the Lord. This is the most important issue of life and it must be our utmost priority.
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Major areas that can go wrong
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