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Introduction to Truly Strong

Aug 14

Some people are strong and powerful in the eyes of the world, but in reality, weak in the sight of God. On the other hand, some appear weak in the eyes of the world, but are in reality strong in the sight of God. How can we tell who is truly strong and who is truly weak, from the biblical perspective?

As Christians, we must be on guard against the enticements of worldly strength and power and, at the same time, recognise that God wants us to be truly strong.

But what does it mean to be truly strong? Why is it important to be truly strong? What is the relationship between being truly strong, how well a person is faring, and the fulfilment of God's purposes? And how can we become truly strong?

The Lord Jesus is the perfect example of one who is truly strong. He is truly strong at all times, though there are times when He may appear weak. For example, the Lord Jesus appeared weak and helpless as He hung on the Cross. But in reality, the Cross was a manifestation of supreme power and strength. What can we learn from the life of the Lord Jesus concerning what it means to be truly strong?

Many Christians are attracted by manifestations of spiritual power. Is this good or bad? What dangers do we need to bear in mind in such contexts? Is the manifestation of spiritual power in and through a person’s life an indication that this person is truly strong? How can we adopt an approach to this area that is pleasing to God?

May this book contribute towards a wholesome understanding of these issues and how God's children can become truly strong, firmly grounded in the Scriptures and in a deep personal relationship with God.

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