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Introduction to Truly Rich and Great

Aug 16

Riches, greatness, success, strength and power – these are concepts usually associated with the worldly and the ambitious. These are the things that the people of the world regard as of utmost importance and are preoccupied with. Christians can also be entangled in these areas and their lives rendered ineffective.

There is, however, an important place for true riches, greatness, success, strength and power from the perspective of God’s kingdom. The Bible teaches us that these are vital aspects of healthy, effective Christian living. But we need to recognise the distinction between the world’s perspective and God’s perspective of riches, greatness, success, strength and power.

I considered the subject of true success in my book The Two Kingdoms, and true strength and power in my book Truly Strong. I approached these subjects of true success and true strength by looking at the life and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In this book, I will take a similar approach, where the issues of true riches and true greatness will be viewed primarily through the lens of the life and teaching of the Lord Jesus.

Because many people are so used to viewing the issues of life from the perspective of this fallen world, they will find the life and conduct of the Lord Jesus, and many of His teachings, to be puzzling. But when we understand the primary concern in the heart of the Lord Jesus, which is the kingdom of God, and when we learn to view things from the perspective of God’s kingdom, we will be able to have clearer insights into many issues, including the many issues relating to riches and greatness, such as:

  • Why do many people in the world desire after riches and greatness?
  • What does it mean to be truly rich and great?
  • How does the life of the Lord Jesus exemplify the life of one who is truly rich and great?
  • Why is it important that we aspire to be truly rich and great and what are some pitfalls we have to beware of?
  • How can we become truly rich and great?
  • In what ways does our attitude towards material wealth have a bearing on our being truly rich and on our spiritual and eternal well-being?
  • Can one be materially rich, yet spiritually poor in God’s kingdom? And can one be materially poor, yet truly rich in God’s kingdom?
  • Is it good and advantageous to have much material wealth?
  • What would be a wise approach to the stewardship of material wealth and what are some practical ways wise stewardship may be expressed?
  • What are wrong concepts of greatness and how will these hinder the work of God?
  • Why is true greatness vitally linked to having the heart of a servant?

May the Lord be pleased to make use of the content of this book to contribute towards a wholesome understanding of what it means to be truly rich and great. And may He help us all to be truly rich and great in His kingdom.

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